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Discover The Daffodil Room

Supporting Women and Their Families Through Pregnancy Loss and Infertility

Who We Are


As the dark and frigid winter begins to break, the daffodil peaks through the thawing ground each spring.  Below the soil lies its roots, which have supported and nourished its cycles of blossoming over the years.  The roots, however, have also supported the daffodil as it tires and wilts when the seasons change.  As springtime passes and the daffodil is no longer in full bloom, it can seem as though the vibrant yellow flower, full of life and new beginnings, will never return.  Yet each spring, no matter what harsh conditions the winter that precedes it entails, the daffodil always returns, brighter and more beautiful than ever.


The journey of pregnancy loss and infertility can be seen in the cycle of the daffodil.  Out of darkness can come beauty and opportunity for a new start, a new story, a new season.  The Daffodil Room is a group that supports this journey, no matter which season the daffodil may be in.  


The Daffodil Room is a support group based out of Concord Township, Ohio that serves the women of Northeast Ohio with a safe space to grieve and navigate their pregnancy loss or infertility experiences, as well as to nourish and support their healing and growth from these life traumas.  No matter what stage of their journey or what their story is, this group serves to help us all grow together to reach the vibrant, beautiful new beginnings that lie ahead.

Learn more about our group here.

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