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Our Mission

To Support and Nourish Growth Through Every Stage of Pregnancy Loss & Infertility

As the dark and frigid winter begins to break, the daffodil peaks through the thawing ground each spring.  Below the soil lies its roots, which have supported and nourished its cycles of blossoming over the years.  The roots, however, have also supported the daffodil as it tires and wilts when the seasons change.  As springtime passes and the daffodil is no longer in full bloom, it can seem as though the vibrant yellow flower, full of life and new beginnings, will never return.  Yet each spring, no matter what harsh conditions the winter that precedes it entails, the daffodil always returns, brighter and more beautiful than ever.


The journey of pregnancy loss and infertility can be seen in the cycle of the daffodil.  Out of darkness can come beauty and opportunity for a new start, a new story, a new season.  The Daffodil Room is a group that supports this journey, no matter which season the daffodil may be in.  


The Daffodil Room is a support group based out of Concord Township, Ohio that serves the women of Northeast Ohio with a safe space to grieve and navigate their pregnancy loss or infertility experiences, as well as to nourish and support their healing and growth from these life traumas.  No matter what stage of their journey or what their story is, this group serves to help us all grow together to reach the vibrant, beautiful new beginnings that lie ahead.

Our Group

The Daffodil Room Support Group is a supportive resource for those navigating pregnancy loss and/or infertility and is of no cost to its members.  This virtual group meets every Monday via Zoom from 8:00 - 9:00 PM.  Members will receive the zoom meeting link in their email when they RSVP.  In addition to these virtual meetings, to foster a greater sense of community, Rebecca and Rachel intend to host group outings and events to encourage members to find support in each other outside of the support group itself.


If you are interested in joining the virtual support group, please go to the group page and sign up, and don't forget to RSVP for the virtual group meetings on the home page!



What Does a Group Meeting Look Like?

The virtual support groups are an hour meeting that involves both open and structured discussions about pregnancy loss and infertility.  Group attendees are invited to be as open and participate in discussion as much as they would like to, but attendees are also encouraged to sit back and listen if that is what they feel comfortable doing.  There is no participation requirement for group.  Group is what YOU make it.

Group Discussion Topics

The Daffodil Room aims to be inclusive to all those experiencing infertility and/or pregnancy loss, no matter where they are in their journey or what path they are walking.  We know that every story is unique, and no two infertility or loss experiences are alike, which is why we cover a variety of topics in our support groups.


This group is for anyone who is experiencing

  • Primary infertility 

  • Secondary infertility

  • Fertility treatments

  • Pregnancy loss at any stage of pregnancy (and no matter how long it has been since the loss)

  • Recurrent pregnancy loss

  • Pregnancy after loss

  • Wanting others to learn how to support them (family is invited to attend)

  • Wanting to learn how to support someone going through infertility and/or loss (those who have not experienced infertility or loss are invited to attend to learn to support others)

  • Husbands or partners needing support

  • Wanting to break the stigma of pregnancy loss and infertility

  • And more...


You can read posts about these topics on our blog page or discuss them on our forum.


**It is important to remember that these topics are discussed as women supporting women (and others!) and no information shared in the group is to be considered medical advice.  You can see our disclaimer here.  


We Look Forward to Having You

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